A lot of people who claim to be confident don’t take other areas of their lives seriously. They are ignorant of the fact that health, relationships, Spirituality, mindset, originality, financial literacy and proper grooming matter on their Confidence journey and greatly influence the level of Confidence they have.
This is a global event aimed at making Confident people also complete.
This conference promises to open your eyes to hacks and strategic ideas that you can’t find on Google to help you dominate other areas of life as they are strongly connected to the level of confidence you have.
Attendance is totally free. Come and learn from these phenomenal minds without paying a dime. All you need is to be available on the days of the conference, come with an open heart to learn, and your writing materials.
Join me and other Confident people popularly known as “Lions and Lionesses” all over the world on our Facebook community: Lions and Lionesses Network (House of Confidence).
Would be so glad to serve you value through our speakers.
See you there!

“Go to the ANNOUNCEMENT section of our Facebook community or click on any of these hashtag #CCC2021 #confidentandcompleteconference to Watch the replays”